Specialized Technical Areas

Las especialidades técnicas en riesgos laborales son áreas de enfoque dentro del campo de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, dedicadas a la prevención y gestión de riesgos ocupacionales. Estas especialidades incluyen:

Work Safety

This specialty in Occupational Risk Prevention focuses on protecting the physical environment of the employee by applying techniques and procedures aimed at preventing or minimizing accidents in the workplace. Its goal is to identify the source of hazards and neutralize them through the implementation of regulations, safe designs, and effective safety strategies. This practice is essential to ensure a safe working environment and reduce the risks of incidents.


Industrial Hygiene

Industrial hygiene is a discipline that focuses on identifying, evaluating, and controlling environmental factors or agents that arise in the workplace and can cause diseases, affect long-term health, or generate discomfort among workers. This area covers a variety of aspects, from air quality and exposure to chemicals to noise and lighting in the workplace. Its main objective is to prevent occupational diseases and ensure a safe and healthy working environment.


Ergonomics focuses on adjusting the work environment to the needs and characteristics of workers, seeking to achieve maximum adaptation and efficiency in work performance. This field studies how material conditions, such as workspace layout, posture, and physical effort, impact the physical health of the employee. The goal is to create a work environment that is both effective and comfortable for the worker.


Applied Psychosociology

Applied Psychosociology is a discipline that studies how psychological and social factors in the workplace affect the behavior, well-being, and mental health of employees. It focuses on aspects such as work-related stress, motivation, interpersonal relationships, organizational culture, and leadership. Its aim is to improve the quality of work life by promoting a healthy and productive work environment. This area is crucial for understanding and managing the effects that the work environment can have on the psychological health and performance of workers.


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